Designing Mobile Websites for Voice Search

Designing Mobile Websites for Voice Search
April 12 2019

According to research, in January 2018, users conducted more than 1 Billion voice searches. Additionally, it is estimated by the year 2020, approximately 30% of all online searches will be conducted through voice search. Evidently, voice search is all geared up to create a transformation in the digital landscape  in the near future. With more users leaning towards the convenience of using voice search, you have to reflect on how this will influence mobile websites.

Voice search is not merely about speed and convenience, but it is more accurate, and interactive and can drive traffic to your website. Implementing voice search into your website is not a complicated task. Following are some great methods that can help you design mobile websites for voice search:-

1 – Include Location

It is important to localize content by using verbiage, colours, and visual that matches with residents in a particular area. It can significantly help in attracting voice search users. Around 46% of voice users looked online for local businesses through voice-assisted devices on a daily basis. Therefore, if your website has been built dedicated to consumers of a specific geographical region, then localizing can turn out to be advantageous for you. You can do this by:

  1. Including the name of your targeted region in the content and metadata.

  2. Creating location-specific pages.

  3. Using region-specific visuals.

  4. Tagging all images and videos with geographic area names.

2 – Answer Questions in Callouts

41% of the users say that through voice searches their queries feel more interactive than a one-sided dialogue. Users are increasingly growing accustomed to this type of discourse and it is likely to affect how well your website performs in voice search.

It is important to figure out what are the questions that your audience is most likely to ask. Once you figure that out, it’s time to place answers to those questions in your content in a way that makes sense. Additionally, also include them in your metatag, it is one of the easiest ways to implement them in your mobile website.

3 – Place Answers of Common Questions at the Top

Approximately 28% of voice users tend to call a business after finding them in a voice search. While it is imperative to have a well-structured website that attracts local customers, it is equally important to provide them with the information they need right away. Customers use voice search to look up a website because they want the most convenient way to get in touch with you. To provide them with such ease of access, ensure that:

  1. Mention the hours of operation of your store.

  2. Place live chat or support portal.

  3. Enable the option to make reservation or appointment.

  4. Provide information about current sales or any other prevailing offer.

4 – Provide Featured Snippets

Featured snippets are used by search engines to show relevant answers to the concerned question. If the search query is a good match, the most relevant website will be shown at the top of the page. In the voice search, it can help you to stay ahead of the others. As when users ask a voice assistant a question, it is going to show the answer right away, rather than offering suggestions, offering convenience and a better browsing experience.

Customers are taking control over how they choose to engage with the web using their smartphones. Therefore, the design of your web application needs to change with the evolving preferences of the customers in order to stay relevant in this competitive marketplace. Presently, users are looking for website that responds to their questions more effectively and naturally via voice search. You as a website owner need to find a way to cater for their expectation in the best way possible.
