#Laravel #MySQL
  • Project Name NDC
  • Website & APPWebsite
  • CategoriesCertification Streamlining Platform


Embarking on the creation of the NDC Management website, the organization focused on ensuring efficient delivery and sustained certification adherence to ISO management system standards, particularly ISO 9001. The aim was to establish an online platform that provides relevant information regarding these standards and streamlines the certification process for a vast network of 2.4 million global organizations.

Addressing challenges such as effective information communication, process optimization for certification, adherence to impartiality standards outlined in ISO/IEC 17021, and consistently enhancing the organization's capability to deliver dependable certification services for over 15 years were critical considerations. NDC Management emerged as the comprehensive solution, addressing these aspects and providing a robust platform that not only meets the standards but ensures a seamless and reliable certification experience for its diverse clientele.
